Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fit Caffiene [Affiliate]

In my journey to make a profit with all I do.

I have joined Fit Caffeine.

About Fit Caffeine captured from their website About US page.

You can visit the site HERE.
[Affiliate Link]

Monday, February 27, 2017

It's Monday...

How does your day play out?

Me, the man gets up and out the door. I stay in bed as he is like a freight train and I am not help in the morning. (To early)

Next wave is the teens. I use to get up every morning with them. But cause I care for myself a bit, I am awake....but I stay in bed.
- No one dressing whatever way just to make me upset.
- No one purposely chewing with their mouth open like they are a donkey slapped with peanut butter.
- No actually seeing them leave the trail of crumbs and leaving every light in the house on.
- No seeing them leave the cereal and milk out.

Then I have 15 minutes to do what I need to for myself before waking wave 3 of the morning.

Woo hoo... get out of my way. Mad woman running through the house.
DOG OUT....!!!


Time to wake wave 3. ♡♡♡
Granbabies...they have my heart.

They are seriously my biggest helpers without being asked. So eager to do.

This is the brain child of my 4 year old grand daughter. She scoops 3 heaping scoops into each bowl every week.


It amazes me the transformation this house goes through every morning and the mess they don't realize they make in the process.


Ah.... coffee is done and I can get a cup.
Pop the meds and take a break. Write this up for myou peeps and do my morning digital review and clean up.

What is your daily morning routine?
I take my morning routine till 10am.

It is 8:30 currently and I am doing pretty good.


Today's goal is my bedroom. It is one of the dump zones of the first floor. It drives me insane... but it is what it is.

I am ashamed of the before. But will gladly show the after. :)